SL Bloodlines Wiki

How to change races

If you are currently turned as one race and wish to be a different race, you will need to perform two processes. The first is to add the HUD of the desired race and fill up on its respective metric, thereby becoming a Hybrid of what you were, and what you wish to become. Then, you need to drink the race reversal potion to cure the side you wish to drop (i.e. Nightshade to drop the vampire side, Wolfsbane to drop the Lycan side, Brimstone to drop the Angel side, or Holy Water to drop the demon side). Normally, these potions would turn someone Human, however drinking them as a Hybrid will only result in the loss of that half, leaving you as a full version of your remaining race.

If you are currently turned as one race and wish to become a hybrid of your current race and a new one, you just need to get and add the HUD of the desired second race, and fill up on its respective metric. Please note, if you are adding Demon or Angel to become a hybrid, Shift is not necessary. Shift is only necessary when turning Demon or Angel from Human.

Please note that hybridization is currently limited to just 2 races. If you are already a hybrid, and wish to exchange one race for a different one, you will need to drink the race reversal potion of the side you wish to drop before you add the new desired race's HUD and fill on its metric. Filling to full on a 3rd metric when already a 2 race hybrid, will not turn you in the 3rd race on top of the 2 you already are.

If you are a Human and wish to become Desecrated as a Demon or Consecrated as an Angel, you MUST reach 100% Shift first. This means that 100% of your Humanity has been drained by Angelic Exalt attacks or Demonic Corrupt attacks. **Only Exalt and Corrupt attacks will give you the Shift necessary to become a Wraith!! Vampire and Lycan attacks do NOT generate Shift!!** Once 100% of your Humanity has been drained by Exalt and/or Corrupt attacks, and you reach 100% shift with 0% Humanity, you will become a Wraith. At this point, you can fill up on Ether (for Angels) or Ichor (for Demons) and become Consecrated or Desecrated.

If you are a Human and wish to become Embraced as a Vampire or Enraged as a Lycan, you will need to have 100% of your humanity drained, and the final attack that turns you Revenant must come from a Vampire Bite or Lycan Claw attack. Once you become a revenant, then you can fill up on Blood (for Vampires) or Lumens (for Lycans) and become Embraced or Enraged.
